Valley View Hospice Care Team

For over two decades, Valley View Hospice care team has provided innovative solutions that enhance the health and quality of life for those needing in-home health services. Through its experience and expertise, Valley View Hospice care team has established itself as one of the most experienced homecare companies in the industry. Its approach to quality care is based on a commitment to providing a high level of expertise, training, patient service, and monitoring that is difficult to match in the industry.

Los Angeles Hospice Care Team.

We felt fortunate to have such caring, encouraging, and good people who helped my mother. The staff was friendly and attentive. Her physical therapist was more impressive than we could imagine. An encourager, he listened to all of mom’s problems and always went the extra mile to help her to achieve her goals. Her occupational therapist was very targeted, and we jointly felt that he would assist her in gaining the strength needed to spend the last days there. We thank mom’s hospice team and all doctors from the bottom of our hearts and will gladly recommend this place to others!

Marie Clark

Hospice workers, nurses, doctors, etc., are a blessing from GOD. Thanks to hospice care, my mom could spend her last two months in comfort, at peace, and surrounded by her family. We could enjoy the time we had left with mom and say goodbye instead of worrying about all the medical stuff. The hospice nurse assigned to my mom was very professional and patient when completing her tasks, kind and compassionate. When you are a hospice staff member, you must stay objective for the sake of the family you are helping. This precious woman was with us when my mom passed away in her sleep, and I saw tears in her eyes. I want to say a BIG Thank You for this place and great staff and the respectful and caring treatment you gave my mother, me, and my family. Losing a mother is difficult, but your constant compassion, understanding, and support helped me in ways I cannot express.

Thomas Swartz

What they did means so much to us. We wish to thank everyone who was involved in helping to take care of our mother. We were so blessed to have such kind, good people to provide my mother with the best care possible. We also appreciate their kindness toward the rest of the family. I do not know how we would get through this without their love and support. We are so happy that my mother’s last days were spent in such loving care. I call it a little piece of Heaven. You are all very special people, and I can’t thank you enough for your kindness to my mom and our family at a sorrowful time. I know she is in the best place now and without pain. That gives me strength. You, indeed, are angels on earth. Thank you!

Galina Reznik

Our Blog

Recovered Hospice Care Patients

Many People Prefer to Recover

Recovery is improving or restoring health, function, or well-being after an illness, injury, or treatment. Recovery can have different meanings and goals for different people, depending on their values, beliefs, expectations, and preferences. Recovery can also have different outcomes and indicators, such as survival, symptom relief, functional status, or quality of life.

Hospice Personal Care

They Offer Meal Preparation and Personal Care

Nutrition and hydration are essential for hospice patients, as they can affect their health, comfort, and well-being. However, many hospice patients may have difficulty eating or drinking due to various factors, such as pain, nausea, loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing, chewing, or digesting food, medication side effects, or emotional distress. Therefore, hospice care providers offer meal preparation services to help patients meet their nutritional and hydration needs and preferences.

Help at Home

Considering Some Help at Home?

If you face these challenges, you may benefit from help at home. Help at home is a type of care that provides support and assistance in the comfort of your home. Help at home can improve your quality of life by helping you maintain your independence, health, and well-being. Help at home can also reduce stress and burden by giving you peace of mind and more time to enjoy with your loved ones.