Dementia Hospice Care Support

Dementia Care Over The Holidays

Dementia Care Over The Holidays: How To Make It A Joyful And Stress-Free Experience

The holidays are a time of celebration, gratitude, and connection with our loved ones. But for people living with dementia and their caregivers, the holidays can also bring some challenges and stressors. Dementia is a progressive condition that affects a person’s memory, cognition, and behavior making it difficult to cope with changes and unfamiliar situations. The holidays can be overwhelming and confusing for people with dementia, as they may not remember the names and faces of their family and friends, the meaning and traditions of the holidays, or the events and activities around them. Caregivers may also feel anxious and exhausted as they have to balance their own needs and expectations with those of the person they are caring for.

However, this does not mean people with dementia and their caregivers cannot enjoy the holidays. With some planning, preparation, and adaptation, the holidays can be a joyful and stress-free experience for everyone involved. This article will share tips and suggestions for dementia care over the holidays based on the latest research and expert advice. We will cover the following topics:

  • Tips for planning and preparing for the holidays
  • Tips for enjoying the holidays with family and friends
  • Tips for adapting gift-giving and traditions
  • Tips for taking care of yourself and your health

We hope these tips will help you and your loved one with dementia have a happy and healthy holiday season.

Key Takeaways

  • Dementia is a condition that affects a person’s memory, cognition, and behavior making it hard for them to cope with changes and unfamiliar situations.
  • The holidays can be challenging and stressful for people with dementia and their caregivers, as they may have to deal with travel, visitors, noise, and disruption of routines.
  • With some planning, preparation, and adaptation, the holidays can be a joyful and stress-free experience for people with dementia and their caregivers.
  • Some of the tips for dementia care over the holidays include making a plan with the person who has dementia, minimizing the stress of travel, involving the person in the holiday activities, communicating with family and friends, choosing suitable and meaningful gifts, being flexible and creative with the traditions, and taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
  • Hospice and palliative care services, support groups, and online resources are some sources of support and help for caregivers during the holidays.

Tips for planning and preparing for the holidays

The first step to ensure a smooth and enjoyable holiday season is to make a plan with the person who has dementia. Ask them what they want and how they feel about the holidays, and respect their preferences and opinions. Some people with dementia may wish to participate in the holiday festivities, while others may prefer to stay home and avoid the crowds and noise. Some people may enjoy reminiscing about holidays, while others may find it upsetting or confusing. Some people may have specific dietary or medical needs that need to be considered. By involving the person with dementia in the planning process, you can ensure that they feel valued and comfortable and that their needs and wishes are met.

Another aspect of planning and preparing for the holidays is minimizing travel stress if you and your loved one with dementia are planning to visit another place or receive visitors at your home. Travel can be exhausting and disorienting for people with dementia, as they have to deal with unfamiliar environments, people, and situations. Here are some ways to make travel easier and safer for people with dementia and their caregivers:

  • Avoid traveling during peak times, such as weekends or holidays, when the traffic, crowds, and delays are likely higher.
  • Pack familiar and essential items for the person with dementia, such as their medication, identification, contact information, clothing, toiletries, and comfort items, such as a blanket, a pillow, or a stuffed animal.
  • Keep a close eye on the person with dementia during the travel, and do not leave them alone or unattended. They may wander off, get lost, or become agitated or distressed.
  • Allow plenty of time for rest, breaks, and snacks during the travel, and do not rush or pressure the person with dementia. They may need more time to adjust and cope with the changes and transitions.
  • If possible, choose a mode of travel that is familiar and comfortable for the person with dementia, such as driving, taking a train, or flying. Avoid unfamiliar or stressful travel modes, such as buses, subways, or boats.

Suppose you cannot travel or visit your loved ones in person. In that case, you can also consider some alternative types of holiday for people with dementia and their caregivers, such as:

  • Respite care: Respite care is short-term care that provides relief and support for caregivers while ensuring that the person with dementia is well cared for in a safe and comfortable environment. Depending on your needs and preferences, respite care can be provided at home, in a residential facility, or in a community center. Respite care can allow you to take a break from your caregiving duties and enjoy some time for yourself or with your family and friends.
  • Day trips: Day trips are a great way to enjoy the holiday season without traveling far or staying overnight. You and your loved one with dementia can visit a nearby place that is interesting and accessible, such as a park, a museum, a zoo, or a shopping mall. You can also join a local group or organization that organizes day trips for people with dementia and their caregivers and meet others who share your experiences and challenges.
  • Home visits: Home visits are another option for people with dementia and their caregivers who prefer to stay at home and avoid the hassle and stress of travel. You can invite your family and friends to visit you at your home and enjoy quality time together. You can also use technology to connect with your loved ones who cannot visit you in person, such as via video calls, messaging apps, or digital cards.

Tips for enjoying the holidays with family and friends

The holidays are a time to celebrate and reconnect with our family and friends, but they can also be stressful and overwhelming for people with dementia and their caregivers. People with dementia may not recognize or remember their relatives and friends, or they may feel anxious and embarrassed by their condition. They may also have difficulty following the conversations, coping with the noise, or participating in the activities. Caregivers may feel guilty or frustrated as they have to deal with the expectations and reactions of their family and friends while also taking care of the person with dementia.

However, this does not mean that people with dementia and their caregivers cannot enjoy the holidays with their family and friends. With some communication, involvement, and technology, the holidays can be a fun and memorable experience for everyone involved. Here are some tips for enjoying the holidays with family and friends:

  • Communicate with your family and friends about the situation and the safety precautions you are taking. Let them know about the person’s condition, abilities, and limitations and how they can help and support you and the person with dementia. For example, you can ask them to speak slowly and clearly, to use simple and familiar words, to avoid correcting or arguing with the person, and to be patient and respectful. You can also inform them about the safety measures you are following, such as wearing masks, washing hands, and keeping a safe distance, and ask them to do the same.
  • Involve the person with dementia in the holiday activities as much as they are able and willing to. You can find some ways to engage the person with dementia in the holiday festivities, such as playing games, singing songs, sharing stories, or looking at pictures. You can also ask the person to help you with simple and enjoyable tasks, such as setting the table, wrapping the gifts, or decorating the tree. These activities can stimulate the person’s senses, memory, and emotions and make them feel valued and included.
  • Use technology to connect with your loved ones who cannot visit you in person due to the distance, the pandemic, or other reasons. You can use video calls, messaging apps, or digital cards to communicate and celebrate with your family and friends far away. You can also send them some photos or videos of the person with dementia and the holiday activities and ask them to do the same. Technology can help you and the person with dementia stay in touch and feel closer to your loved ones, even if you cannot see them face to face.

Tips for adapting gift-giving and traditions

Gift-giving and traditions are an essential part of the holiday season, but they can also be a source of joy or frustration for people with dementia and their caregivers. People with dementia may not understand or appreciate the gifts they receive, or they may have trouble opening or using them. They may also need some clarification or upsetting of traditions, such as the lights, the music, or the food. Caregivers may feel disappointed or stressed as they have to find suitable and meaningful gifts for the person with dementia and to adapt or change some of the traditions they used to enjoy.

However, this does not mean that people with dementia and their caregivers cannot enjoy gift-giving and traditions. With some flexibility and creativity, gift-giving and traditions can be a wonderful and rewarding experience for people with dementia and their caregivers. Here are some tips for adapting gift-giving and traditions:

  • Choose suitable and meaningful gifts for the person with dementia that match their interests, abilities, and needs. You can look for some gifts that are sensory, practical, or personalized, such as:
    • Sensory gifts: These stimulate the person’s senses, such as sight, sound, touch, smell, or taste. For example, you can give the person a soft blanket, a music box, a scented candle, a box of chocolates, or a flower bouquet.
    • Practical gifts: These help the person with daily activities, such as dressing, grooming, eating, or sleeping. For example, you can give the person comfortable clothing, a large-print calendar, a photo phone, a weighted blanket, or a pill organizer.
    • Personalized gifts: These are gifts that reflect the person’s personality, history, or preferences. For example, you can give the person a photo album, a personalized mug, a favorite book, a hobby kit, or a memory box.
  • Be flexible and creative with your holiday traditions, and adapt them to the person’s current abilities and comfort level. You can simplify or modify some of the traditions, such as the decorations, the menu, or the timing, to make them more accessible and enjoyable for the person with dementia. For example, you can:
    • Simplify the decorations: You can reduce the number and intensity of the lights, the ornaments, and the colors to avoid overstimulating or confusing the person. You can also avoid using decorations that look like food, such as candy canes or gingerbread men, as they may tempt the person to eat them.
    • Change the menu: You can prepare some dishes that suit the person’s dietary needs and preferences that are easy to chew, swallow, and digest. You can also avoid serving alcohol, caffeine, or spicy foods, as they may affect the person’s mood, behavior, or sleep.
    • Celebrate earlier in the day: You can schedule the main events and activities of the holiday earlier in the day, when the person is more alert and energetic, and avoid the evening, when the person may be more tired and irritable. You can also limit the duration and the number of events and activities to prevent exhausting or overwhelming the person.

Tips for taking care of yourself and your health

The last but not most minor tip for dementia care over the holidays is to take care of yourself and your health. Caregiving is demanding and rewarding but can also affect your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. During the holidays, you may face additional stress and pressure, juggling your caregiving duties with your personal and family obligations. You may also feel isolated, lonely, or guilty, needing more time or energy to enjoy the holiday season.

However, this does not mean you must neglect yourself and your health. Taking care of yourself and your health is not selfish or irresponsible but essential and beneficial for you and the person you care for. By caring for yourself and your health, you can prevent burnout, illness, and depression and improve your mood, energy, and resilience. Here are some tips for taking care of yourself and your health during the holidays:

  • Get enough rest, eat well, and stay hydrated. These are the essential steps to maintain physical health and wellness. Try to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night and take naps during the day. Eat a balanced and nutritious diet, and avoid skipping meals or snacking on junk food. Drink plenty of water, and limit your intake of alcohol, caffeine, or sugary drinks.
  • Seek and accept support and help from others. You do not have to do everything by yourself, and you do not have to feel guilty or ashamed for asking for help. Many sources of support and help are available for you, such as hospice and palliative care services, support groups, or online resources. Hospice and palliative care services can provide you with medical, emotional, and spiritual care, respite care, counseling, and bereavement support. Support groups can offer you a safe and supportive space to share your experiences, feelings, and challenges with other caregivers who understand what you are going through. Online resources can provide information, advice, and guidance on various aspects of dementia care and caregiving.
  • Do something that makes you happy and relaxed. You deserve to have some fun and enjoyment during the holidays, and you do not have to feel guilty or selfish for doing so. Find time and space for yourself, and do something that makes you happy and relaxed, such as reading a book, listening to music, watching a movie, or walking. You can also treat yourself to something special, such as a massage, a manicure, or a gift. Doing something that makes you happy and relaxed can help you reduce stress, boost your mood, and recharge your energy.
Emergency Lifeline Hospice Support

Emergency Lifeline Support

Series Bumper from Chris Loope on Vimeo.

What is Emergency Lifeline Support?

Key Takeaway:

  • Emergency lifeline support is a service that provides immediate help and guidance to people who are facing a crisis, such as suicidal thoughts, emotional distress, substance abuse, domestic violence, or other mental health issues.
  • Emergency lifeline support is available 24/7, confidential, and free of charge. Hospice Los Angeles is a hospice and palliative care provider in Los Angeles, CA, offering emergency lifeline support to its clients and the community.
  • Hospice Los Angeles’s emergency lifeline support features personalized and compassionate care, quality and safety standards, and a holistic and multidisciplinary approach. You can access Hospice Los Angeles’s emergency lifeline support by phone, online, or in person.Emergency lifeline support is a service that provides immediate help and guidance to people who are facing a crisis, such as suicidal thoughts, emotional distress, substance abuse, domestic violence, or other mental health issues. Emergency lifeline support aims to prevent harm, reduce suffering, and promote coping and recovery.

    The benefits of emergency lifeline support are:

  • 24/7 availability: You can reach out for help anytime, anywhere, and get a timely response from a trained professional who can assist you with your crisis.
  • Confidentiality: You can share your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment, stigma, or disclosure. Your privacy and anonymity are respected and protected by the service providers.
  • Professional assistance: You can receive expert advice and guidance from crisis counselors with the skills and experience to handle various crises and offer appropriate resources and referrals.

Why Choose Hospice Los Angeles for Emergency Lifeline Support?

Hospice Los Angeles is a hospice and palliative care provider in Los Angeles, CA, offering emergency lifeline support to its clients and the community. Hospice Los Angeles’s mission is to provide compassionate and quality care to people with life-limiting illnesses and their families and to support them in their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs.

Hospice Los Angeles’s emergency lifeline support features the following:

Personalized and Compassionate Care

Hospice Los Angeles tailors its emergency lifeline support to each client’s needs and preferences. Hospice Los Angeles understands that every person and every crisis is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Hospice Los Angeles listens to the client’s concerns, respects their choices, and empowers them to make informed decisions about their care.

Hospice Los Angeles also provides compassionate and empathetic care to clients and their loved ones. Hospice Los Angeles recognizes the emotional impact of a crisis and the importance of human connection and support. Hospice Los Angeles’s staff and volunteers are trained to provide emotional support, comfort, and reassurance to the client and their families and to help them cope with their feelings and challenges.

Quality and Safety Standards

Hospice Los Angeles adheres to the highest quality and safety standards for its emergency lifeline support. Hospice Los Angeles follows the best practices and guidelines of the National Association of Crisis Center Directors (NACCD), the American Association of Suicidology (AAS), and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). Hospice Los Angeles also undergoes regular audits and evaluations to ensure the quality and effectiveness of its services.

Hospice Los Angeles has received accreditation, certification, and recognition from various organizations, such as:

  • The Joint Commission: The Joint Commission is an independent, notfor-profit organization that accredits and certifies more than 21,000 healthcare organizations and programs in the United States. The Joint Commission’s accreditation and certification is recognized nationwide as a quality symbol reflecting an organization’s commitment to meeting specific performance standards.
  • The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO): The NHPCO is the largest nonprofit membership organization representing hospice and palliative care programs and professionals in the United States. The NHPCO’s Standards of Practice for Hospice Programs provide a framework for quality hospice care and serve as a benchmark for hospice programs to assess their performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • The California Hospice and Palliative Care Association (CHAPCA): The CHAPCA is a statewide association of hospice and palliative care providers, professionals, and advocates. The CHAPCA’s mission is to promote the growth and development of hospice and palliative care in California and to enhance the quality of life for terminally ill patients and their families.
  • The Better Business Bureau (BBB): The BBB is a nonprofit organization that helps people find and recommend businesses, brands, and charities they can trust. The BBB’s vision is to create an ethical marketplace where buyers and sellers trust each other. The BBB evaluates businesses based on their complaint history, customer reviews, transparency, and other factors.

Holistic and Multidisciplinary Approach

Hospice Los Angeles integrates physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of care in its emergency lifeline support. Hospice Los Angeles believes that a crisis affects not only the mind but also the body, the relationships, and the soul. Hospice Los Angeles addresses the whole person and their well-being and helps them find meaning and purpose in their situation.

Hospice Los Angeles collaborates with other healthcare professionals and community resources to provide comprehensive and coordinated care to clients and their families. Hospice Los Angeles works with the client’s primary care physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, chaplain, and other specialists to ensure the best possible care and outcome. Hospice Los Angeles also connects clients and their families with other supportive services, such as grief counseling, support groups, legal assistance, financial aid, and more.

How do you access Hospice Los Angeles’s Emergency Lifeline Support?

You can access Hospice Los Angeles’s emergency lifeline support by phone, online, or in person. Here are the instructions on how to do so:


You can call Hospice Los Angeles’s emergency lifeline support at (818) 385-1682. The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you call, you will be greeted by a friendly and caring staff member who will ask you basic questions, such as your name, phone number, and the reason for your call. The staff member will transfer you to a crisis counselor who will listen to your situation, provide emotional support, and offer resources and referrals. The crisis counselor will also follow up to check your progress and well-being.


You can visit Hospice Los Angeles’s website at to learn more about its services and programs. Follow Hospice Los Angeles on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates and news. To use Hospice Los Angeles’s online chat and text service, you must register on the website with your name, email, and phone number. You will then be able to chat or text with a crisis counselor who will provide the same support and assistance as the phone service. You will also be able to rate and review your experience and give feedback to Hospice Los Angeles.

In Person

You can visit Hospice Los Angeles’s office at 15477 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403. The office is open from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. You can make an appointment by calling or emailing Hospice Los Angeles or walk in without an appointment. When you arrive, you will be asked to fill out some forms and provide documents, such as your ID, insurance card, and medical records. You will then be seen by a crisis counselor who will conduct a face-to-face consultation and provide the same support and assistance as the phone and online service.<

What is Your Personal Drive Every Day?

What is Your Personal Drive Every Day?

Key Takeaways:

  • Personal drive is the force that motivates, inspires, and fuels your passion for life and work
  • Finding out what drives you can improve your well-being, happiness, and productivity
  • You can discover your sources of drive-by reflecting on your values, interests, and goals, exploring new opportunities and challenges, seeking feedback and support from others, and writing down your gratitude and expectations
  • Aligning your drive with your work can enhance your performance, satisfaction, and fulfillment
  • You can align your drive with your work by choosing a career that matches your passions and skills, setting realistic and meaningful objectives and milestones, celebrating your achievements and learning from your failures, and balancing your work and personal life
  • Maintaining your drive in difficult times can help you overcome challenges and obstacles and protect your mental and physical health
  • You can maintain your drive in difficult times by seeking professional help and guidance if needed, practicing self-care and coping skills, reconnecting with your purpose and vision, and finding inspiration and motivation from others

What is your drive every day? What makes you wake up in the morning, face the day, and pursue your dreams? What keeps you going when things get tough, you encounter setbacks, or you feel like giving up?

Personal drive is the force that motivates, inspires, and fuels your passion for life and work. It is why you do what you do and how you do it. It is the essence of who you are and what you want to achieve.

Personal drive is different for everyone. Your personality, values, beliefs, experiences, aspirations, and emotions can influence it. It can also change over time as you grow, learn, and evolve.

Finding and following your drive can benefit your well-being, happiness, and productivity. It can help you:

  • Discover your strengths and talents
  • Pursue your interests and passions
  • Set and achieve your goals
  • Overcome challenges and obstacles
  • Learn from your mistakes and failures
  • Express your creativity and innovation
  • Make a positive impact on others and the world

In this article, we will explore how to determine what drives you, align your drive with your work, and maintain your drive in difficult times. We will also share some tips and strategies that you can apply to find and follow your drive every day.

This article is relevant for the readers of, a website that provides hospice and palliative care services in Los Angeles, CA. Hospice and palliative care are specialized types of care that focus on improving the quality of life of patients with life-limiting illnesses and their families. Hospice and palliative care professionals are compassionate, dedicated, and skilled individuals with a strong personal drive to help others in their time of need. By reading this article, you will learn how to enhance your drive and use it to make a difference in your work and life.

How to Determine What Drives You

The first step to finding and following your drive is determining what drives you. What are the things that make you happy, excited, and fulfilled? What are the things that make you curious, challenged, and inspired? What are the things that make you proud, grateful, and hopeful?

To discover your sources of drive, you can try the following tips and strategies:

  • Reflect on your values, interests, and goals. Your values are the principles and standards that guide your actions and decisions. Your interests are the things that you enjoy doing and learning about. Your goals are the outcomes that you want to achieve in your life and work. By reflecting on your values, interests, and goals, you can identify what matters to you, what motivates you, and what drives you.
  • Explore new opportunities and challenges. Sometimes, your drive can be sparked by trying something new, different, or unexpected. By exploring new opportunities and challenges, you can expand your horizons, discover new possibilities, and test your limits. You can also find out what you are good at, what you like, and what you want to do more of.
  • Seek feedback and support from others. Sometimes, your drive can be influenced by the people around you, such as your family, friends, colleagues, mentors, or role models. By seeking feedback and support from others, you can gain valuable insights, perspectives, and advice to help you better understand yourself, improve your skills and abilities, and achieve your goals. You can also find inspiration and motivation from others who share your drive or have achieved what you aspire to.
  • Write down your gratitude and expectations. Sometimes, your drive can be enhanced by expressing your gratitude and expectations. By writing down your gratitude, you can acknowledge and appreciate what you have, what you have done, and what you have received. By writing down your expectations, you can articulate and clarify what you want, what you need, and what you hope for. Writing down your gratitude and expectations can help you cultivate a positive mindset, boost your confidence, and increase your drive.

How to Align Your Drive with Your Work

The second step to finding and following your drive is to align your drive with your work. How do you use your drive to enhance your work performance, satisfaction, and fulfillment? How do you ensure that your work aligns with your passions, skills, and goals?

Aligning your drive with your work can benefit your work quality, productivity, and impact. It can help you:

  • Enjoy your work and find meaning and purpose in it
  • Improve your skills and abilities and learn new things
  • Achieve your work objectives and milestones and contribute to your organization's mission and vision
  • Overcome work challenges and obstacles and cope with stress and pressure
  • Express your creativity and innovation and solve problems and create solutions
  • Make a positive impact on your colleagues, clients, and community

To align your drive with your work, you can try the following tips and strategies:

  • Choose a career that matches your passions and skills. One of the best ways to align your drive with your work is to choose a career that matches your passions and skills. A career that matches your passions and skills is one that you love doing, are good at, and can grow and excel in. By choosing such a career, you can use your drive to pursue your interests, develop your talents, and achieve your potential.
  • Set realistic and meaningful objectives and milestones. Another way to align your drive with your work is to set realistic and meaningful objectives and milestones. Objectives and milestones are the specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals you set for yourself and your work. By setting realistic and meaningful objectives and milestones, you can use your drive to focus your efforts, track your progress, and celebrate your achievements.
  • Celebrate your achievements and learn from your failures. A third way to align your drive with your work is to celebrate your achievements and learn from your failures. Achievements and failures are the outcomes and results of your work performance and efforts. By celebrating your achievements and learning from your failures, you can use your drive to acknowledge and appreciate your successes, identify and improve your weaknesses, and enhance your confidence and resilience.
  • Balance your work and personal life. A fourth way to align your drive with your work is to balance your work and personal life. Work and personal life are the two main domains of your life that affect your well-being, happiness, and productivity. By balancing your work and personal life, you can use your drive to manage your time, energy, and resources, prioritize your needs and responsibilities, and maintain your health and relationships.

How to Maintain Your Drive in Difficult Times

The third step to finding and following your drive is to maintain your drive in difficult times. How do you keep your drive alive and strong when you face difficulties, challenges, or crises? How do you protect your drive from being diminished, damaged, or destroyed by external or internal factors?

Maintaining your drive in difficult times can have many benefits for your mental and physical health and your work and life quality. It can help you:

  • Cope with stress, anxiety, depression, and other negative emotions
  • Overcome fear, doubt, uncertainty, and other barriers
  • Adapt to change, uncertainty, and unpredictability
  • Recover from loss, trauma, or adversity
  • Grow, learn, and evolve from your experiences

To maintain your drive in difficult times, you can try the following tips and strategies:

  • Seek professional help and guidance if needed. One of the best ways to maintain your drive in difficult times is to seek professional help and guidance if needed. Professional help and guidance are the services and support you can get from qualified and experienced experts, such as doctors, therapists, counselors, coaches, or mentors. By seeking professional help and guidance if needed, you can get the help and support you need to deal with your problems, issues, or challenges and restore and enhance your drive.
  • Practice self-care and coping skills. Another way to maintain your drive in difficult times is to practice self-care and coping skills. Self-care and coping skills are your activities and habits to take care of yourself and manage your stress and emotions. By practicing self-care and coping skills, you can improve your physical, mental, and emotional health and preserve and strengthen your drive.
  • Reconnect with your purpose and vision. A third way to maintain your drive in difficult times is to reconnect with your purpose and vision. Purpose and vision are your reasons and goals for your life and work. By reconnecting with your purpose and vision, you can remind yourself of what drives, motivates, and inspires you and rekindle and revitalize your drive.
  • Find inspiration and motivation from others. A fourth way to maintain your drive in difficult times is to find inspiration and motivation from others. Inspiration and motivation are the feelings and factors that stimulate and encourage you to act and achieve. By finding inspiration and motivation from others, you can learn from their stories, experiences, and wisdom and boost and sustain your drive.

Life Change

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum elementum tellus nec imperdiet egestas. Phasellus semper dolor vel nibh cursus hendrerit. Proin elit metus, tempor quis tincidunt quis, luctus et lacus. Aliquam malesuada ante eu orci dictum porttitor. Fusce at libero ipsum. Sed quis ornare ante. Pellentesque tortor tortor, porttitor quis dolor ut, aliquam facilisis ligula. Nam ultricies feugiat luctus.

Nunc augue eros, dapibus ac purus in, efficitur aliquet leo. In a neque sed diam placerat porttitor. Duis nunc eros, accumsan sed elit tristique, laoreet ultricies nunc. Ut ac lacus ac massa lobortis elementum. Etiam vel nunc facilisis, elementum magna ac, euismod diam. Proin id condimentum purus. Cras elementum nisl ut nisl suscipit, pellentesque fermentum dolor dignissim. Nullam lacinia lorem in elementum lacinia. Nunc tempor, libero ac malesuada porta, dui nulla iaculis nisl, nec egestas ipsum lacus vel eros. Nulla vitae volutpat est. Proin vel lectus lectus. Vestibulum non tortor ante. Donec consectetur purus elementum massa lacinia luctus.
Sed cursus, mauris quis porta ullamcorper, elit felis mollis enim, at rhoncus ipsum ante quis metus. Nunc efficitur posuere odio in gravida. Proin ultrices pellentesque felis, ut facilisis dolor imperdiet et. Etiam efficitur diam sed dui iaculis luctus. Nam faucibus magna vel porttitor vestibulum.

Sed hendrerit urna lectus, id imperdiet odio convallis quis. Mauris quam tellus, lobortis eu pellentesque eget, gravida at quam. Ut odio nibh, pretium semper tellus eget, accumsan finibus libero.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum elementum tellus nec imperdiet egestas. Phasellus semper dolor vel nibh cursus hendrerit. Proin elit metus, tempor quis tincidunt quis, luctus et lacus. Aliquam malesuada ante eu orci dictum porttitor. Fusce at libero ipsum. Sed quis ornare ante. Pellentesque tortor tortor, porttitor quis dolor ut, aliquam facilisis ligula. Nam ultricies feugiat luctus.

Nunc augue eros, dapibus ac purus in, efficitur aliquet leo. In a neque sed diam placerat porttitor. Duis nunc eros, accumsan sed elit tristique, laoreet ultricies nunc. Ut ac lacus ac massa lobortis elementum. Etiam vel nunc facilisis, elementum magna ac, euismod diam. Proin id condimentum purus. Cras elementum nisl ut nisl suscipit, pellentesque fermentum dolor dignissim. Nullam lacinia lorem in elementum lacinia. Nunc tempor, libero ac malesuada porta, dui nulla iaculis nisl, nec egestas ipsum lacus vel eros. Nulla vitae volutpat est. Proin vel lectus lectus. Vestibulum non tortor ante. Donec consectetur purus elementum massa lacinia luctus.
Sed cursus, mauris quis porta ullamcorper, elit felis mollis enim, at rhoncus ipsum ante quis metus. Nunc efficitur posuere odio in gravida. Proin ultrices pellentesque felis, ut facilisis dolor imperdiet et. Etiam efficitur diam sed dui iaculis luctus. Nam faucibus magna vel porttitor vestibulum.

Sed hendrerit urna lectus, id imperdiet odio convallis quis. Mauris quam tellus, lobortis eu pellentesque eget, gravida at quam. Ut odio nibh, pretium semper tellus eget, accumsan finibus libero.

Lists for Productivity

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum elementum tellus nec imperdiet egestas. Phasellus semper dolor vel nibh cursus hendrerit. Proin elit metus, tempor quis tincidunt quis, luctus et lacus. Aliquam malesuada ante eu orci dictum porttitor. Fusce at libero ipsum. Sed quis ornare ante. Pellentesque tortor tortor, porttitor quis dolor ut, aliquam facilisis ligula. Nam ultricies feugiat luctus.

Nunc augue eros, dapibus ac purus in, efficitur aliquet leo. In a neque sed diam placerat porttitor. Duis nunc eros, accumsan sed elit tristique, laoreet ultricies nunc. Ut ac lacus ac massa lobortis elementum. Etiam vel nunc facilisis, elementum magna ac, euismod diam. Proin id condimentum purus. Cras elementum nisl ut nisl suscipit, pellentesque fermentum dolor dignissim. Nullam lacinia lorem in elementum lacinia. Nunc tempor, libero ac malesuada porta, dui nulla iaculis nisl, nec egestas ipsum lacus vel eros. Nulla vitae volutpat est. Proin vel lectus lectus. Vestibulum non tortor ante. Donec consectetur purus elementum massa lacinia luctus.
Sed cursus, mauris quis porta ullamcorper, elit felis mollis enim, at rhoncus ipsum ante quis metus. Nunc efficitur posuere odio in gravida. Proin ultrices pellentesque felis, ut facilisis dolor imperdiet et. Etiam efficitur diam sed dui iaculis luctus. Nam faucibus magna vel porttitor vestibulum.

Sed hendrerit urna lectus, id imperdiet odio convallis quis. Mauris quam tellus, lobortis eu pellentesque eget, gravida at quam. Ut odio nibh, pretium semper tellus eget, accumsan finibus libero.

National Family Caregiver Month

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sagittis massa odio, non facilisis orci condimentum nec. Praesent fringilla volutpat turpis ut pellentesque. Pellentesque tincidunt sem semper rhoncus vestibulum. Sed quis pretium justo. Aliquam eu risus ac elit faucibus tincidunt ut tincidunt nunc. Morbi mauris neque, euismod et malesuada vitae, egestas vitae mauris. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec quam orci, congue volutpat porta id, dictum nec nunc.

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

Harriet Tubman

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sagittis massa odio, non facilisis orci condimentum nec. Praesent fringilla volutpat turpis ut pellentesque. Pellentesque tincidunt sem semper rhoncus vestibulum. Sed quis pretium justo. Aliquam eu risus ac elit faucibus tincidunt ut tincidunt nunc. Morbi mauris neque, euismod et malesuada vitae, egestas vitae mauris. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec quam orci, congue volutpat porta id, dictum nec nunc.

Age in place successfully

Five Steps to Age in Place Successfully

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum elementum tellus nec imperdiet egestas. Phasellus semper dolor vel nibh cursus hendrerit. Proin elit metus, tempor quis tincidunt quis, luctus et lacus. Aliquam malesuada ante eu orci dictum porttitor. Fusce at libero ipsum. Sed quis ornare ante. Pellentesque tortor tortor, porttitor quis dolor ut, aliquam facilisis ligula. Nam ultricies feugiat luctus.

Nunc augue eros, dapibus ac purus in, efficitur aliquet leo. In a neque sed diam placerat porttitor. Duis nunc eros, accumsan sed elit tristique, laoreet ultricies nunc. Ut ac lacus ac massa lobortis elementum. Etiam vel nunc facilisis, elementum magna ac, euismod diam. Proin id condimentum purus. Cras elementum nisl ut nisl suscipit, pellentesque fermentum dolor dignissim. Nullam lacinia lorem in elementum lacinia. Nunc tempor, libero ac malesuada porta, dui nulla iaculis nisl, nec egestas ipsum lacus vel eros. Nulla vitae volutpat est. Proin vel lectus lectus. Vestibulum non tortor ante. Donec consectetur purus elementum massa lacinia luctus.
Sed cursus, mauris quis porta ullamcorper, elit felis mollis enim, at rhoncus ipsum ante quis metus. Nunc efficitur posuere odio in gravida. Proin ultrices pellentesque felis, ut facilisis dolor imperdiet et. Etiam efficitur diam sed dui iaculis luctus. Nam faucibus magna vel porttitor vestibulum.

Sed hendrerit urna lectus, id imperdiet odio convallis quis. Mauris quam tellus, lobortis eu pellentesque eget, gravida at quam. Ut odio nibh, pretium semper tellus eget, accumsan finibus libero.